HTS performs ABB™/ALSTOM™ GT11™N/N1,N2,11/13D and GT8™ gas turbine, controls and electrical systems commissioning, maintenance, troubleshooting and upgrades, mechanical gas and steam turbine commissioning and maintenance, EV and standard combustor tuning and adjustments.
HTS’ field engineers are formally trained with over 100 years of combined experience.
HTS Senior associates have:
- More than 25 years serving the power industry
- Successfully completed hundreds of gas and steam turbine troubleshooting, maintenance and upgrade assignments
- Supported more than 50 ALSTOM/ABB GT major inspections
- Supported all of the ALSTOM C compressor and XLXP upgrades completed in North America, South America and Canada
- Supported plants in more than 15 countries and 5 continents
- Been OEM trained in Switzerland and OJT assignments
We also carry an extensive inventory of ABB P13, P14, Decontic, MOD300 and ABB LCI (SFC) parts.
Our Customers (Partial List)
- GE™
- Duke
- Northern Star
- Dominion Power
- Domtar
- GDF Suez
- Lincoln Electric
- Power Industry Consultants
- East Kentucky Power
- Kentucky Utilities
- Duke Energy
- Talen Energy
- Essential Power
- NRG Energy
- Wisconsin Energy
- Puerto Rico Power Authority
- Saphire
- Southern Company
- NB Power
- Covanta
- Dynegy
- Engie
- And many more